Meet The Cats
The 4Paws Adoption Process
(1) Applicants for Meows Corner cats are required to have met the cat before applying for it. If you want to submit an application after meeting a cat, visit the "Adopt" page to submit an electronic application. Where it asks "Why do you want to adopt this cat?" you can describe your visit and what you liked about the cat that made you want to apply. Please note Meows Corner cats are not listed on the 4Paws website (their information can be found above).
(2) Please email Sharon at to let 4Paws know that you just submitted an application. Please let her know your name and which cats you are interested in. 4Paws will check to make sure the application went through and confirm with an email response. Applications are processed on a first-received, first served basis. We will let you know if there is an application ahead of yours.
(3) Please be aware that because applications are electronically submitted through 4Paws, Meows Corner staff may not always know if a cat has an application. If you would like to know a cat's availability before applying please email
(4) If you have current pets please call your veterinarian(s) and give them permission to discuss your account with a 4Paws representative. Getting permission to speak with an applicant's veterinarian is the biggest avoidable delay in the application process.
(5) The application process will normally take 5-7 business days. Once the checks are completed to 4Paws' satisfaction, applicants will be contacted to schedule a 30-45 minute phone interview.
(6) If approved, applicants will be given instructions on how to pay the adoption fee electronically. Fees are $175 for an altered cat and $125 + $75 alter deposit for an unaltered kitten. Cats 8+ years are $60 and bonded pairs 5+ years are $250/pair.
(7) Once all fees are paid and 4Paws approves the adoption, the applicant will receive an email from Meows Corner staff to coordinate a pickup time. To minimize disruption to cats and guests, Meows Corner's preferred adoption pickup time is Sunday evening around closing.